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September 2023

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. As bearers of the light to our city, Goiania, we are responsible to share the light to the lost and disciple the believers how they can continue to be the light in the world. In past months, we met new faces and shared the gospel to those who are captive in the darkness without understanding.

The men's bible study on Saturday night is growing! We have about eight men attending including the new visitors that attend church. We continue to study doctrine. As we studied about omnipresence, men had a difficult time comprehending that God is omnipresent. As of now we are learning who Jesus Christ is as God. Praying for spiritual understanding among deaf men while teaching how to read the Bible in Portuguese and translate into LIBRAS (sign language) for them to understand. My wife volunteered to teach 12-weeks of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) at our church. We have about 24 students from the age of 10 to 70 years old!!!! The students have been bringing their friends and family members to the class on Saturdays! We have one student who is not a believer. He is a teacher and therapist for autistic children. He wants to learn sign language to be able to teach them to communicate better. Please pray for Ruth as she uses these sign language classes to reach the lost lambs and souls and reconcile them to Christ our precious Savior!

We had the privilege of performing our first baby dedication. It was such a blessed moment when a deaf couple asked me to perform a baby dedication for their daughter, Agatha. It was such a joy to do that for the Lord. I am currently doing marriage counseling with them once a week. We need to pray for the family of Italo and Clara. They are battling spiritually and are limited in communication among their family.

September is International Deaf Awareness Month worldwide. The purpose of this awareness month is to educate people about the deaf and their community as well as their culture. There are thousands of people here who lack the knowledge of deaf people. We invite deaf and hearing to our church service to be aware of the deaf. Instead of pitying and complaining about being deaf or complaining about people who do not understand the deaf, God teaches us to let Him use us, the weak, to reach the world. Moses had a barrier; Paul had a barrier. They were determined to let God in their lives and guide them. Instead of looking at our barriers, we look to God, the barrier-breaker. With God, all is possible but with men it is impossible.

Please pray for Ruth and I as we will be attending a one-week Spiritual Life and Growth class for Deaf Couples. As missionaries, our spiritual growth is of the utmost importance to us, and to our ministries. We desire to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and have the power of the Holy Spirit upon our lives and ministries. We really need the personal training, teaching, example, and encouragement that will be provided for us in American Sign Language. Therefore, please be in prayer for the Lord to provide the financing for this week of Spiritual Life and Growth discipleship.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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