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Who We Are


Ruth heard the Gospel for the rst time in 2001, while attending Gallaudet University, a secular university for the deaf. She left after attending one semester and returned to her home in Kansas. She repented, believed, and gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior in October 2002, while attending a ladies ’ retreat. In January 2003, she enrolled in Harvest Deaf Bible College and while there she realized that she needed to profess her obedience through baptism; she was baptized in November 2003. She graduated with a major in Missions in May 2008.

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After trying to finnd satisfaction in worldly things, Michael was saved after his father shared the Gospel with him on March 3, 2003. He grew through the ministry of his local church and God led him to begin searching for a deaf college. He came to Harvest Deaf Bible College in 2006 and graduated with a Graduate of Theology (Th.G.) in 2010, majoring in Pastoral Theology, and minoring in Missions. In 2012, he graduated with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry.


While attending a Missions Conference at a nearby church, we met the Doolittles, a missionary family working in Brazil. During the summer of 2011, we went to Brazil and visited ministries in three different states. But when we saw the multitudes, we were “ moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:35-36). How shall the deaf call on Jesus Christ in whom they have not believed, and how shall the deaf believe in Him whom they have not heard, and how shall the deaf hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14). The needs are great: there are currently very few fundamental Christian ministries among the deaf people in Brazil and no training to send laborers to the field.


The Lord has given us the desire to EVANGELIZE, by opening the eyes of the deaf, and turning them “from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins ” (Acts 26:18). Secondly, to ENLIGHTEN their eyes through discipleship, that the believer may understand that the Word of the LORD is right, and that they may rejoice in their heart (Psalm 19:8; Ephesians 1:18). Thirdly, to EQUIP the believers through preaching, “ warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: ” (Col. 1:28). Lastly, to train the leaders: "...and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry " for the EDIFYING of the body of Christ: (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Please pray for us that the Lord would use us to reach the deaf for CHRIST in Brazil!