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January 2023

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. As I write this letter, we are staying at an apartment that we booked with Airbnb. We arrived in Brazil on December 6 without any hassle. Praise the Lord! We picked up our car and drove for about 5 hours, stopping at the first city that we had lived in when we first came to Brazil. We had a good visit with the church family and fellow labourers, Carl Johnson and his family. We were there for a couple days before traveling to our destination 8 more hours north. We arrived in Goiania on December 9 and we stayed at our hostess/ friend's house for one month. Our hostess, Ms. Bethany Thompson is so excited to have us stay with her to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

For about 3 weeks, we looked for a house to live in. We looked on websites at around 50 houses and visited about 20. At the end of December, we visited a house that belongs to one of the church members. They were planning to sell but generously let us rent the house! We were excited to see how the Lord fit our every need in that house. The Lord is so good. Since the owners are not in town yet, their things are still in the house. Once they return at the end of March, they will move and we can then move in at the end of April or May, Lord willing.

In this new city, Goiania, we are working with a hearing church, Maranatha Baptist Temple. The national pastor was kind enough to currently let us have our own deaf services for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. One of the church leaders, Wesley, is a great interpreter and wonderful Sunday School teacher for the deaf. He will continue to teach the Sunday school deaf class and I will lead the deaf church services, congregation songs, and preach for the deaf. We began the new year with memorizing verses and learning to bring our Bible to church. I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do with this deaf church, Maranata Efata Baptist Temple.

A new city, new church, new people; a different culture, and some different signs: please pray for us and our daughters as we adapt to living in the new city. Their school started in January. It is quite an adjustment for them. They have a good spirit, making new friends and trying to learn the spoken Portuguese language. We are happy that they are willing to learn to adapt in new places. Please pray for us as we adjust to living in a small apartment until we move to the house. Since we live in an apartment, my daughters have made friends with the neighbors and play with them in the playground that is here at the apartment. It is such a blessing!

Indeed, Jesus Christ is wonderful, and a miracle that was sent by our Heavenly Father who loved us so much. He wants to have a relationship with each one of us through Jesus Christ. What a Counselor He is! Without Him, we have no direction in our life. We do have hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and are full of joy that He is our Mighty God. He is still on the throne, and therefore there is nothing too hard for Him.

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." - Isaiah 41:10

Our Praises and Prayers:

1. Protection in travels. ANSWERED!

2. The girls’ passports arrived before our departure. ANSWERED!

3. Renewal visas when we return to Brazil, to go without complication (we will be applying for permanent visas - 10 years). CONTINUE TO PRAY! (The first step is approved, waiting for the next step)

4. Housing: Wisdom and guidance on housing when return to Brazil. ANSWERED!

5. Deaf ministry’s 20th anniversary on March 25-26. Our guest speaker will be deaf pastor, Scott Crabtree – Pray for a great outcome! UPCOMING


In Christ Alone,

Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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