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March 2024

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57, we greet you in the name of our wonderful heavenly Father and through Jesus Christ, we obtain victory each day. It is very important to stand steadfast in the Word of God so that we do not lose our joy and hope.

In January, I went to Ribeirao Preto, about 8 hours south of where we live to teach deaf bible institute there for two weeks. It was a great challenge and a wonderful experience and a precious fellowship with other deaf believers as well as hearing. I taught how to study the Bible for two weeks and it was amazing to see their eyes enlighten to understand what they can do when they study the Bible. Marcelo accompanied me on this trip and took the class. After returning, I saw him pull out the index card and write a verse on it. Please continue to pray for Marcelo, He is such a young man who desires the influence of a shepherd.

The room where we used last year was getting crowded for the deaf and we talked to the hearing pastor of the church to see if we could move our deaf church to the fellowship hall. We are excited to move to the fellowship hall to have more room for more deaf to come to deaf church. Now we have an average of 25 to 30 people in attendance. Many have told me that they have been searching for God and the Bible. One Sunday, a deaf blind woman was brought by her friends. I was excited and taught the deaf what they needed to do in order to interpret for her through hands. We have two ladies who volunteered to interpret the whole service for her. It rejoices in my heart to see deaf get involved in serving the Lord in the church. We have Marcelo, who will meet new people and gather their addresses and their phone numbers and is a greeter at the door. He is also an usher who helps me with offerings. It is a great blessing to my heart to see the Lord working in those deaf hearts.

One day Marcelo brought a man from the north of Brazil to visit the church. He said he is Christian and already saved. During Sunday evening service, my wife was sitting on the same pew as that man, she asked him how he could go to heaven. He said he went to the front altar and told the person who was leading the service at his church that he accepted and the leader at his church put hand sanitizer on his hand and prayed with him. The leader told the deaf man, go on, you are saved. Ruth was shocked and told that man that it is not right. In


Jesus’ time they do not have hand sanitizer, how can they go to heaven? She showed him verses in Romans explaining that he is sinner and he had to admit that he is sinner and is lost. Also that he needed to confess with his heart to the Lord and believe in Him that He resurrected from the dead. The deaf man still emphasizes that he was already saved by hand sanitizer and a prayer of the leader. After church she told me what happened. Next day, I went to Marcelo’s house to share the gospel with that deaf man for three hours. He still has not accepted Christ as his Savior. It breaks our hearts. He went back to his hometown in the North the next day.

Thank you for continuing to give so we can still live here to share the Gospel with deaf. That you and I may not be weary in doing well for our Lord until He comes back. Redeeming the time for the days is evil.


In Christ Alone,

Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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