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July 2023

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

We pray that this letter finds you and your church families doing well. Our family is doing well, and this month our daughters are on vacation from school for one month. They will go back to school on August 1.

Please pray for our health as we are not accustomed to the weather here in Goiania, Goias where we just moved last December. I have gotten sick twice in the month of July (which is winter here) and it has lasted for 2 weeks. Due to the weather here, some days we have allergic reactions and experience dehydration.

We recently found out that our younger daughter Roniya had 2 adult teeth growing behind her baby teeth. The dentist had to pull her 2 baby teeth because they wouldn't come out themselves. Roniya asks for you to pray for her to heal quickly because her gums are still tender where the dentist pulled the teeth.

Please continue praying for us to reach Deaf people in the area and teach them. The language is still a challenge for me. I need to think in Portuguese (spoken language) and Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) at the same time.

We have one man at church who is struggling in his life. He did come to the altar to be saved but it was probably for his girlfriend Raquel. They are not together anymore, but I am guiding him through a Bible study about sin and salvation, and I give him homework for the lessons. Please pray for his spiritual needs.

Please pray with us as we would like to buy the house we are renting. The owners are members of our church and would like to sell it to us. Also, the house next to us is for sale. If it is the Lord's will, we would like to buy the house next to ours to use for ministry such as an outreach Bible study, a Bible Institute, and a video studio. It is divided into 2 parts, and one part of the house could be used as a guest house. We hope that we can have a
married couple stay there and train under us in deaf ministry so the married couple can be readily equipped to start a

deaf ministry in a different city or state here in Brazil.


Praise the Lord that we have 4 men attending Bible study on Saturday evenings. Please pray for those men to grow spiritually and become godly men.

Praise the Lord, Raquel was saved last April, and I can see her slowly

changing and growing. She had to move back with her parents to a different state, but thankfully we can continue to do Bible study over the video phone, and I am able to give her homework.


In Christ Alone,

Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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