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October 2022

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience”. James 1:2-3. We are so thankful to God for the many things He has done, and we would like to proclaim His wonderful works. We thank God for your faithful prayers and support. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.

As we share in this letter the many blessings we have received, we are also sharing how we learned to give thanks during the times when we were discouraged, always thankful to our Lord, for this is what He wants for us. First, we praise the Lord for my wife recovering well from her surgery in July. Throughout August we had great meetings and increased our financial support. We were excited to see that the Lord is still blessing these churches that have cheerful givers.

Later, while we were in West Virginia, sharing our mission to a church and having a great blessing, we got news that my mother-in-law was in the critical care unit and had been placed on a ventilator. As we were on the way to Ohio, my wife's grandpa called and asked us to come and be there for my wife's step-father while her mother was in the hospital. We went to Kansas and stayed for a month so that my wife could be a help and support to her stepfather. Ruth’s mother was moved to a recovery room and her family went through an emotional upheaval with good news then bad news. The Lord had a GREAT plan though, and Ruth’s mother survived after 3 weeks of unstable health. The Lord saw the family through this situation, thanks to the many prayers all over America.

While in Kansas we were able to assist my in-laws to find a place to live while my mother-in-law recovered. Some of you may wonder what happened to her to cause all this: she had a bad infection and had surgery for diverticulitis. After 8 months, the doctor decided to attach the intestines together but then she suffered an infection again and developed sepsis. After all this, the doctor said she may be completely recovered in a year.

We resumed our travels after that to 4 different states. While in Missouri in the month of October, we hit a deer with our van, and while everyone was fine, we had to replace the van. Then 21 days later, after returning to Missouri from Iowa, the radiator cracked and had to be replaced. Both these incidents happened on a Friday and on a day when I had taken my wife to the doctor. First, my wife had an allergic reaction on her face and the second Friday she had an infection in her leg. Many things have happened to us recently, but in these trials the Lord has taught us to be patient, follow the flow, and live day by day trusting in Him. All these things that we have no control over, we give to the Lord. We have learned to have grateful hearts even in these moments.

We have a few meetings lined up before we go back to the field. We thank the Lord for his faithful provision, as our support level has increased to 88%. We have recently purchased plane tickets and plan to fly out December 5th, Lord willing.

Here are some things you can prayer with us about:

1. Protection in travels

2. The girls’ passports arrived before our departure.

3. Renewal visas when we return to Brazil, to go without complication (we will be applying for permanent visas - 10 years)

4. Housing: Wisdom and guidance on housing when return to Brazil

In Christ Alone,

Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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