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March 2020

Dear Brethren in Christ,

We pray this letter finds you all doing well in health, and spiritually and emotionally. We are doing good,
except for some dehydration due to not taking in enough water, sinus colds and flu. As I write this letter, we all are
feeling better. Thank you for praying for our health as well as protection. We thank the Lord for providing for us and
never forsaking us. Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall
keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Here in state of Sao Paulo, the government announced that schools and colleges (public and private) will close,
possibly for five months. All places that usually have crowds of people are also shut down, such as shopping areas,
theatres, shows, and churches. Please pray with us as the Lord gives us wisdom: first, how we can shepherd our people
through God’s Word; second, that through the Word we can have the peace of God to keep our hearts and minds
through Jesus Christ; and lastly, to not let the circumstances affect our hearts and minds.

This year our church theme is aiming to focus on Christ. For each month, we will memorize a verse focused on
Christ, beginning with Philippians 3:13: “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I
do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,”. Next month is
Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are
possible.” This month, we will memorize this short verse, John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Before
even knowing about the virus at the beginning of the year, we had already encouraged our church to focus on
Christ. Isn’t it amazing that the Lord knows our spiritual needs before we know? We pray that our church will grow
closer to Christ through this trial. We also hope you are encouraged through God’s Word and that you may have the
peace of God to keep your hearts and minds on Jesus Christ.

In February, a deaf church member, Ana, urgently asked our church to pray for a deaf young woman, Joana,
who was about to kill herself at that moment. She lives in the state of Piaui, in northern Brazil near the ocean. We
prayed that the Lord spare her, because she is not saved. The Lord answered our prayers and saved her from killing
Image removed.herself. On March 4th, Ana set up a group video call with Rebecca Bennett, our missionary
co-worker, and Joana, so that Rebecca could share the Gospel with her. Joana got saved
that night! Praise the Lord! Joana has a couple deaf friends who live with her that also
need to be saved. She asked me to share the Gospel withImage removed.
Aldair, a deaf young man. He believes that he was saved
through baptism, which is very common here. I explained
why baptism does not save us and started to witness to him with flashcards. After three
hours of witnessing through the video call, he got saved early that morning on March 9th!
Joana and Aldair were so excited and wanted their friend Adelane, who was asleep that
night, to hear the Gospel too. So, Ana set up another group video call, with her being present, while I witnessed to
Adelane, the deaf young woman. She got saved two nights later!

Praise the Lord for technology that we can reach the far north of Brazil while living here in Sao
Paulo! Hallelujah! We pray that the Lord will give us wisdom to continue reaching these folks through discipleship.
These results were possible because of your involvement and great part in giving to missions. Thank you for your
faithful support and prayers; we will continue praying that the Lord gives you peace and keep your hearts and minds
through Jesus Christ. Amen.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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