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December 2020

“Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.”

Psalm 24:10

Dear Pastors and Supporters,

Praise the Lord that our King was still on the throne throughout the pandemic of 2020. Let us be of good cheer for Jesus
has overcome the world. Let us continue to worship our Lord of hosts and King of glory this year with a cheerful heart and not
to give place to the Devil.Image removed.

Praise the Lord that in November we finally bought a car in another city with a friend’s
help! We thank the Lord for your prayers and willingness to give for the cost of this car. The
same friend who helped us has been learning sign language. His brother and some other people
in his church have also been learning sign for almost 1 1⁄2 years now. The day after picking up
the car, we went to their church on Wednesday evening before we returned to our home
city. Our friend and his brother did a great job interpreting for the very first time! We are proud
of them!

During our church anniversary service in November, a married couple (the wife had coronavirus a few months ago) who
have been faithful coming to church since the church opened last September, told us that they want to focus on Christ. They
want to do the right thing and more importantly they want to be forgiving; they know that God will not bless them if they don’t
forgive, but if they keep forgiving, He will pour blessings upon them.
For 2020 we had twelve Bible verses to memorize, one verse for each month. Praise the Lord, we had about 20 people
willingly participate to memorize Bible verses. One woman memorized 9 verses and another woman memorized 11 verses out of
12 verses we had. Both women are over 50 years old. We are immensely proud of their effort. We will continue with Bible
memory verses for 2021. We only had four men participate in Bible memory last year, so we hope for more men to join this
year. We had three young siblings who memorized two verses last year. We hope to have children memorize more verses this

We had a small group come for a special Christmas service on December 20th. We had two special songs, one of which
our daughters participated along with four other women for special music. It was our daughters’ first time trying to “sing”, but
despite some distractions it was a blessing to see them participate. A week after the special Christmas service my daughter asked
me if we will do a special song with the ladies again. We are excited to see how the Lord may use our daughters for His glory.

Also, during the Christmas service a young man, who came to church 2 or 3 times recently, came to me and offered to
help with PowerPoint slides. He offered to help so that I can have free hands to preach and sing without pausing for the
slides. Praise the Lord for a willing servant! Please pray for Alexandre that he mayImage removed.
be one of our new disciples.

Our focus for this year was solely on Christ. For this new year we will focus
“On Christ and me”, showing the relationship between Christ and individual
believers and what Christ desires for us. Please pray with us that people will have a
heart to follow Christ for this year and make it a lifetime decision.

We have set some goals for the new year: to teach people to memorize more
verses, to learn the books of the Bible, and to have Bible study class and discipling
for men and women. Please pray for the deaf to have a desire to be a disciple of Christ.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

Image removed.Praise the Lord we finally were
able to purchase a car! Thanks
to all who prayed and sent
support to help us with this
purchase. We were able to get
a 2018 Toyota Etios Sedan.

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