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December 2019

Reach One Brazil Soul A Time

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make
intercession for them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,
and made higher than the heavens;”

Hebrews 7:25-26

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and encourage you to reminisce what the Lord
has done for each one of you through this year. We have numerous blessings to remember, including the following:
trusting in God regarding our residency visas; having strength and patience learning the language and the culture.
We enter a new year with a new beginning, and we hope you will join us to set a goal to revive our souls and grow
stronger in our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to shine as the Star that shone upon Bethlehem
and led the wisemen unto Christ the Savior.

We recently had a great opportunity to bear the wonderful news of salvation: that the Lord is not willing for
people to perish but to come to repentance. Many visitors came to Deaf Awareness Sunday and I shared an
evangelistic message from the third chapter of the Gospel of John. Eight people trusted Lord Jesus Christ as their

Fellow missionary, Bro. Dan Bennett, left for the USA mid-October to be with his dad and brothers for a
month. His father recently passed and went to be with the Lord on November 19. I, along with two other laymen in
the church, preached during Bro. Bennett’s absence. I enjoy teaching and preaching God’s Word because I love to
see the eyes of deaf people light up, showing that they understand what God said.

I have been attending language school for three months now and I am finally beginning to recognize the
grammar and vocabulary when I study to preach. Praise the Lord that I am beginning to be able to comprehend
some Portuguese so I can explain God’s Word better in the Brazilian’s language! My two teachers instruct me very
well and are still very patient with me.

Wania, a deaf oral woman, has been attending church for several months. She can talk but knows very little
sign language. Bel, a long-time member, has been inviting her to church. On Sunday, November 10, Anna, another
Image removed.deaf lady at church, came to my wife Ruth and said, “We need to
witness to her. Wania is ready to be saved but wants to know how.”
We went into a separate room after first service and, using the
Scriptures, we explained the fall by sin and how we are separated
from God. Wania asked us, “How can I clean my sins?” We wanted
her to understand clearly about salvation. Before sharing Romans
10:9 with her, we showed her I John 1:7, “...and the blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” It was an amazing moment
when we all kneeled on the floor and watched her confess with her
mouth and hands believing in Jesus Christ as her Savior by faith.
Ruth said it was the best experience she had ever witnessed! What a blessing to see Wania saved, with
encouragement from members Anna and Bel.

By the time you receive this letter, we probably have already had our meetings with the Federal Police
regarding my temporary residence visa on November 27, and then on December 10 for my wife and our daughters.
We continue to trust our Lord for His will to be done. We will send an email with further updates after our
meetings with the Federal Police. Until then, please continue pray with us and enjoy a time of blessings with your
family this month. May the Lord bless and keep you.

Hope in Christ,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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