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April 2018

Dear Supporters and Praying friends,

“It is no small comfort to me to know that God has called me to my work, putting me where I am and as I am. I
have not sought the position, and I dare not leave it. He knows why He places me here whether to do, or learn,
or suffer.”
Missionary Hudson Taylor in China.

We have been in Brazil for three months now. This month will be our fourth month here. We have been
trying to adjust into the culture. There is a lot to learn to live the way the Brazilians live. Thank you for praying.
Please continue to pray that the Lord keeps us in His hands and under His wings as He sustains us with His
strength daily in our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional state.

We thank the Lord for several opportunities in the past several weeks. First, I wasImage removed.
asked to teach the deaf class for Pastor Carl as he went on vacation with his family. I
taught Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. There were about 8 deaf present. They
were very patient and helped me with signs. They responded well to God's word. We
thank the Lord for their desire to learn more and to know Jesus. They do not know how
to read the written Portuguese language well, which makes it difficult for them to read
the Bible.

The second opportunity we had was helping with the construction of aImage removed.
new church building. The building we currently use for church worship services
is rented. The ways of construction here are very different. The blessing about
helping with construction is the interaction with the laborers that are not
believers. We all used my phone for Google translation to communicate. The
men are teaching me a few words and how to pronounce words in Portuguese. I
pray that the Lord will use this opportunity to allow me to share the true love of
Christ to those men while I work alongside them.

The third opportunity is that we were able to attend to the Baptist International Mission Board (BIMI)
Field Conference about 3 1⁄2 hours away. Bro. Eric Bohman was the main speaker and the Lord sent wonderful
messages and encouragement to us, as well as fellowship with other missionaries. This was such a blessing to
us, to remind us to be consistent and to remember why we are here in Brazil.

We are thrilled to begin Portuguese classes. The Lord definitely knows our need for that! An elderly
lady that has taught Portuguese for many years and knows written English will teach us two afternoons a week
at our house! We already started classes on March 24th! Learning a new language can be mentally exhausting.
Please pray that we will have strength and be able to understand the language for the sake of sharing the Gospel
to lost souls.

In Christ Alone,
Michael & Ruth Douglas
(Giovanna & Roniya)

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