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December 2023

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

Praise the Lord! We are at the end of 2023 and time has gone by fast. We look back over this year and we have so much to be thankful for and still have so much to learn. This is the verse that established our ministry: Colossians 1:18 “And he (Christ) is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; that in all things he (Christ) might have the preeminence.

The last few months Ruth has been witnessing to a deaf lady named Milene on Sunday nights. Milene was having some doubts about her salvation, while I had been preaching through the book of John on Sunday mornings. We ask that you pray for her assurance of salvation. While witnessing to Milene, she expressed concerns for her sister and brother-in-law, who are also deaf to be saved as well. This is another example of teaching the doctrine classes on Saturday nights. It allows the people to ask questions about what the Bible teaches.

The men in the Bible studies on Saturday nights have had the opportunity to teach and this gives them opportunities to share what they have learned. Lord willing, we will have two more men join the classes next year. We are excited about that!

We praise the Lord for the students that have taken the LIBRAS classes, and they are looking forward to more classes in 2024. A praise to share about the LIBRAS class is that a teenager named Samuel has started to attend our deaf services and he has a desire to learn more and work with the deaf. We ask that you continue to pray for Jefferson's salvation, the therapist for autistic children who attended the LIBRAS class.

Also continue to pray for me that God will open the doors of the families’ homes for evangelism and biblical counseling. There are deaf and hearing families in the homes that live together but their lives are separated because of their culture. We want to put Christ in the center of their homes. This is the ministry of reconciliation. Several of our deaf are starting new jobs and are beginning to draw away from their spiritual needs. This is a much-needed prayer!

We are continuing our follow up with the deaf that attended our International Deaf Awareness Day. We recently had the former pastor who started the ministry come and preach for us and we had three first time visitors. Pray for us to follow up with them.

praise the Lord and thank those who had a part in giving and praying towards the expenses for my wife and I to go to the Spiritual Life and Growth class for Deaf couples. Please continue to pray that the Lord will continue to provide financial support to cover all our trip expenses. We ask that the Lord will challenge us and mold us into His image.

It’s amazing to know that whether we look to the manger or the cross or the throne, Jesus is the One who has accomplished it all! The best part is that we do not have to wait until Christmas to celebrate Christ, we get to celebrate Christ every day. I am reminded of the song “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” and that is why we want to follow Colossians 1:18 and put Christ first in everything. We are thankful for all our families and supporting churches for putting Christ first in your lives and being partakers in the ministry of Christ. May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Lord’s blessings be upon you all.

Please be in prayer for:

● The Spiritual Life and Growth class for Deaf couples.
● The salvation of Jefferson.
● The salvation of Milene and her sister and brother-in-law.
● Maria Helena to disciple a younger woman.
● Samuel to learn more sign language and God's direction

In Christ Alone, Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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