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September 2021

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

Greetings from Georgia! We thank the Lord for your faithful prayers and giving, and for allowing us the
privilege to serve our mighty God. The return and transition of the pastor at the deaf church in Sao Paulo went well!
The Lord continued to provide for our needs as He allowed people to come into our lives to help us through the last two
months of packing and fixing the house, as well as taking care of our children while we got ready for furlough. The
Lord's grace gave us the continuing strength we needed. Our trip back to the US went well and was without any
complications. The Lord provided housing for our furlough at a mission house at one of the churches near our sending
church. We thank our wonderful heavenly Father who brought us through this all, answering your prayers for us.

August Updates: The Brazilian church moved into a new building! We do not have our own room for the deaf
but share the same room with another church. The other church uses the building in the morning and afternoon, so we
have a 4 hour time slot in the afternoon for our services. We are not able to keep our things at the church because there
is no room for ours along with the other church’s items. Please continue praying for the deaf church. Since we moved
to a different location, visitors have been coming to see where the new church building is. One lady, Edna, began to
come in July. She went to a ladies retreat where my wife was teaching the deaf ladies. She wants to be saved because
she does not want to go to hell. She does not understand how and why sin begins, or know much about Jesus Christ,
His crucifixion, or His resurrection. Please pray with us that Edna will understand that God loves her so much and
wants to have a real relationship with her, and that salvation is not only the escape from the torment of a second death.

September Updates: A college friend of ours, who works at a Christian school in Jamaica for an adult
continuing education program, asked my wife to share a Bible devotional to her students. Despite the internet
connection not being the best, Ruth was able to share some verses with them. It’s such a blessing that through
technology we can do amazing things to reach out to the world for Christ.

My wife shared an amazing story about attending Brazil’s 8th annual ladies retreat. A 23 year old young lady,
Kaylena, came to her excitedly and told her that she has been learning Brazilian sign language to be able to communicate
with my wife. She told the story about how she began learning sign language. Ten years ago, when she was 13, my wife
and I went to her church to visit. She realized that she could not communicate with my wife without learning Brazilian
Sign Language (LIBRAS). She was determined to find a way to learn sign language. My wife had no idea that 10
years ago the Lord had used her when we went to Brazil for a survey trip in 2011. Kaylena had no idea that she would
meet Ruth again after 10 years! The Lord has touched Kaylena’s heart to work with the deaf! The need for more
laborers, especially men to lead the deaf churches, is still great. We covet your prayers for laborers for the deaf in
Brazil and worldwide.

While on furlough in the US, we would be glad to visit your church and share what the Lord has done for our
family and for the ministries where we serve in Brazil.. You can contact us by email at We
will be available until August 2022.

Until then, may the Lord Jesus Christ continue to be your focus for the rest of this year. The Lord be with you.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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