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September 2020

Dear Pastors and Supporters,

"I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." Psalm 91:2

Since the last letter we sent out, we were able to take a short furlough to the United States for two months. It was a
worthwhile trip, and we thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to go. We visited our families, and it was good
for our daughters to get to know their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and some cousins. Our daughters enjoyed visiting
our families and friends who have children and they adjusted very well, praise the Lord.

We visited several churches that support us and were able to share a report about our ministry. Due to COVID, we
had to keep our distance and wear masks, which is a special challenge to us and our children because we rely on facial
expression and lip-reading a lot. We thank each one of you for praying for us while we were traveling in the US. The
Lord indeed protected us, and we continue to trust the Lord that according to His will we will stay healthy.

As the trip neared its end, we went to see a missionary, who is our mentor and had worked for 20 years in Brazil
before returning to the US to work with international missionaries. We stayed for a few days at his house. We were
glad to seek his counsel and were encouraged and restored. The Lord knows exactly what we need; we are very
thankful for our great Father in Heaven who always meets His children’s needs when we seek Him. We were also able
to take care of some necessary business matters and visit our sending church. I preached in four services during the two
weeks we were there and encouraged our sending church in God’s Word. It is always great to have sweet fellowship
with our pastor and his wife, as well as with friends there. We all encouraged each other, which was very much
needed. The Lord is continually good to us!

We arrived back in Brazil at the end of July. The previous two months after our furlough had been busy with
moving to a new house and preparing to take care of the church here at the beginning of August when our missionary
pastor left for furlough. We immediately prepared our house, using one room for online preaching by turning it into a
video studio. Next to that room we set up my study. The video studio and my study are downstairs which is separate
from our quarters that are upstairs. We praise the Lord for providing us this house to meet all our needs.

Image removed.The highlight of the month after we returned to Brazil were theImage removed.
opportunities, we had to share the wonderful Gospel and love of
God to deaf people. I was able to share the news of Christ with two
individuals named Marcela Gomes and Carlos Mauricio. They
turned from darkness to the Light and put their faith in Christ alone.
(see pictures on each side: Marcela on far left and Carlos on far right)

The most challenging thing we face due to coronavirus is to maintain contact with church members. Visitation
is also affected and extremely limited. Another challenge is to follow up with people who have been saved through
video chat. Please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom to meet the Brazilians’ spiritual needs as well as minister to
their other needs.

We praise the Lord for His provision through a couple of churches that have sent funds to help us in the purchase of
a car. We are still in need of $7,000. One pastor recommended us to buy a newer used car which will cost $9,000 to
$10,000 dollars, excluding taxes and insurance. Please continue to pray with us that the Lord will provide for this need.

Please continue praying with us that the Lord will continue working in our lives as well as in the lives of the
people here in Brazil. May the Lord bless you and keep you for the rest of the year.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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