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September 2019

Dear Brethren in Christ,

We thank the Lord constantly for his grace and mercy, for without Him, we are nothing. We
believe our Lord God is almighty and nothing is impossible with Him. He can turn the wind and water
in different directions according to His will. Jeremiah 33:3 states, “Call unto me, and I will answer
thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Our visas situation is still uncertain, as our applications were rejected twice. We do not know
which form they want from us. We have a lawyer and a missionary’s friend, who helps other
missionaries with their visas, to help us. We continue to trust God and believe He knows what is best
for us, as He always does. We gave them our information about what we have been doing since last
December 2018. We found that we lack two documents that need to be apostilled, after receiving
these documents. The lawyer will start the process to renew our visas. Please pray that it will be done
according to God’s will for us.

We have moved to Sao Paulo city; it is about 5 hours south from Ribeirao Preto where we
used to live. I, Michael, started language school for foreigners in Portuguese on July 29th. The
schoolteachers are already challenging me into learning the language, for which I am glad. Please
continue to pray for me as I continue to learn Portuguese, that my mind may comprehend the
language so I can reach lost deaf souls for Christ and teach deaf believers Portuguese so they can
enjoy learning God’s Word and glorify Him.

My wife and my daughters have been adjusting to the new apartment very well. Praise the
Lord for He is good! The “winter” is nearly over and the “spring” is soon approaching. There soon will
be warm/hot days with mild breezes and cool nights.

Currently, we are serving with Bro. Daniel Bennett and his family. Bro. Daniel is the pastor of
Bible Baptist Church which has about 25 deaf members plus some hearing children and hearing
spouses. We are loving the people there and are enjoying getting to know them. They are helping us
constantly with our sign language; we have learned that there are some signs that are not the same
as in Ribeirao Preto where we used to live.

We have a few events that are coming up in the next few weeks. My wife, Ruth, will teach a
deaf ladies’ class at a women’s retreat next Saturday, September 21st. We will also help with a short
skit. The theme, “In His Time”, encourages us to remember that everything is beautiful in His time.
We need to be reminded to trust God at all times and in any situation. Later on we will have a special
service on September 29 for Deaf Awareness Day. The next big event will be the church’s 25th
anniversary at the end of November. Please pray that Lord’s will can be done in each event and that
visitors may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their wonderful Savior.

Thank you for praying and for encouraging us. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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