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September 2018

Dear Supporters and Praying friends,

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be
absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the
faith of the gospel; - Philippians 1:27

It is hard to believe how God has used us in Brazil these past nine months. In just three short months we
will celebrate our one year anniversary on the field! We do not know about you, but we do not deserve the
blessings the Lord gives us day by day, but because of His grace we strive to be better servants for Jesus Christ.

There are some new challenges we are experiencing here in ministry in the city of Ribeirāo Preto. We
want to learn and understand the culture and the people as much as we can to reach their soul with the
Scriptures to reconcile them to our Lord and Savior, Christ. We had the opportunity to meet a deaf couple at
their house to explain salvation, but they did not make any decision for salvation. The seed was planted, so we
encouraged them and prayed with them. Later we followed up with them and found out that they just
disappeared. It is a sad time when people do not want their lives to be changed in Christ, and we are praying
that Lord will bring them to Himself in due time before Satan wins their soul to the torment of the lake of

Despite discouragement, we can’t lose sight of God’s blessings. The Lord brought us another challenge
but also great rejoicing, knowing that the angels sing as one soul repents. Ruth along with Andrea, an
interpreter at our church, went to visit a young deaf lady named Vera. Ruth had a wonderful conversation with
her and was surprised at her willingness to share and listen. Ruth shared the truth of Jesus Christ and His
purpose to save us from the lake of fire. Vera was found by Jehovah Witnesses when she was about 12 years
old and had been with Jehovah Witness’s for 14 years. She had stopped attending and the Lord placed in her
heart no PEACE!!! After about 2 1⁄2 hours of sharing scriptures and a book withImage removed.
pictures, Vera PRAYED and told Jesus that she believed that He died and rose again
to forgive her sins. She told Ruth that she had PEACE at that moment! Vera now
found the TRUTH and truth set her FREE. Praise the Lord! What a blessing for an
opportunity to come to Brazil to see one soul saved even with the frustration and
discouragement of learning Portuguese and Brazilian Sign Language. It is ALL
WORTH IT! Please pray for her spiritual growth.

Image removed.We had our first deaf day at our house on September 8th. We expected
about 18 people including our family. That morning we got news that two more
families would come, and it turned out they brought their friends! The total,
including children of deaf adults (CODA), was 30! Ruth rushed to make more
food, and everyone was fed within one hour! We reflect on the story about
what happened to Jesus when the people followed him: He blessed the food and
fed them, and after they ate and their stomach was full, Jesus began to teach.
We played games and shared testimonies and Scripture. Everyone enjoyed the
time together and want the event to continue every month. We are praying to have it in October or beginning of
November. Please continue to pray for us as we seek the Lord’s wisdom, strength and guidance to minister
to the deaf here.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya Douglas

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