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June 2020

Dear Pastors and Supporters,

Hello, hope this letter finds you doing well. We are still quarantining down here. The weather turned to autumn last
March when we had our first COVID case in Brazil. Next month, it will be winter for about three to four months. The
cases are increasing rapidly here, please pray with us that Lord will protect us from the pandemic.

We want to share our updates with you which will change within a year. We plan to have our furlough this coming
December as we will reach our three years on the field. However, this will not be happening for several reasons.
One of the reasons is the church property where we are using. Right before quarantine, we found out that the church
that we are sharing with is buying another property the build a church and is selling the current property with the
church building. It will take about one year for the current property to be fixed up and be sold. Next year, we will be
moving to a rental place temporary until the new property is ready to move in. Bro. Dan, missionary we work with,
feels that he needs to be here when it occurs, he asked us to take our furlough after theirs because of the new changes
with the church building. It can be extremely complicated when it occurs, our language is not mastered yet to be able
to understand everything and we believe it is a wise decision.

Bro. Dan and his family will take their one year furlough this year at the end of July. We decided to go back to USA
next week to take care of few things that need our attention before they take their furlough. We will be leaving May 17
for 8 weeks. With the pandemic, we do not plan to have any meetings scheduled but to take care of few essential
matters as well as visiting our families and sending church. As we travel through to see our families, we will visit the
churches nearby if they are open with cautious. We ask you to pray with us that Lord will protect us and keep us
healthy as we travel to USA and return to Brazil safely.

There is another matter that has occurred, we have been borrowing a car from Bro. Dan and it has been a huge blessing
to us and very convenience for us. He is praying that he will sell his cars before he leaves for furlough. We trust Lord
to provide our need for a car. Please pray with us that Lord will provide us a car when we return Brazil in July. If you
want to help us with funds for a car, please note on the check or letter that it is destinated for the car. Lord has blessed
us so much with you and your church family He has allowed us to be partners in the ministry reaching the deaf. We are
really appreciating your love, prayers, and support endlessly. May Lord be with you continually and protect you
through His grace and mercy. Amen.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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