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July 2018

Dear Supporters and Praying friends,

“God does not limit a man to what he can do, man limits God to what He can do” - MDD

The Lord has been great to us since we moved here. Despite our language barriers, we thank Lord that
the Brazilians are very patient with us: they find a way to understand us and we try to understand them. On
Easter weekend, we invited two deaf men for a small Bible study and it turned out that they brought their
Image removed.families. We had three deaf adults and their three hearing children who can
communicate in sign language! After the small Bible study, Ruth was able to have an
activity with all of us about Jesus’ Resurrection, using Resurrection rolls. Each one of
us had a piece of rolled yeast dough and administrated the proper burial of Christ using
marshmallow dipped in butter followed with cinnamon and sugar. We sealed the
dough. After it was baked, they were astonished that the marshmallow is nowhere to be found inside the roll
when we cut it. We shared the JOY that Jesus Christ is ALIVE!

We traveled to Goiânia, a state north of São Paulo for the 15th annual anniversary of the deaf ministry
that Bro. Johnson help to start. It was a great revival and a few decisions were made. We would like to share
one of the best testimonies out of the revival about Lucas, whom we met inImage removed.
2011 when we visited Brazil for a survey trip. He was merely a young man at
age 15. We took a picture of him at the altar, talking with the Lord. Seven
years later, we have met him again and rejoice to see him STILL there! We
were so excited to see him and told him that we think of him and pray for him.
Lucas said, “I did not know. God is with me and did not give up on me because
of your remembrance of me in your prayers”. He has been through a lot of struggles through the years but
without knowledge that we are thinking and praying for him. Let’s not limit God anymore, pray efficiently and
who knows what will happen!

Our teacher is still faithfully teaching us Portuguese every Tuesday and Thursday. In July, we will add
one more day to the class and more exercises via email. Our teacher is challenging us and it’s becoming more
difficult and confusing at times, but the grace and strength of God is helping us to learn the language.

We have been in Brazil for six months now. It is probably the fastest and slowest year for us as we
anticipate the time getting close for our missionary friend, Bro. Johnson, and his family to leave in July for
furlough. He will leave the deaf ministry in our hands, with the Lord’s help. Bro. Carl and his family have been
a tremendous blessing to us. Bro. Johnson took us to different places to get our necessary documents done,
Image removed.interpreted for us and more. He has even come to our home several times to teach us
LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). Please continue to pray for us as we need
abundant wisdom from the Lord to teach and minister to the deaf in the Johnson's
absence as well as continue to learn the language. It will be a huge challenge for us.
Have a blessed summer.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya Douglas

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