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January 2022

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Praying Friends,

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
Psalm 19:7. The last three months have been a wonderful blessing from the Lord! We are looking forward to seeing
what the Lord will do as the new year begins. There are praises as well as prayers that we will share in this letter.

In October my wife taught three times at the Deaf Baptist Ladies Retreat at our sending church. We did a
livestream conference so that women from all over America could register and participate in the retreat, some with
their own churches. It was an amazing experience as most ladies joined their church groups to watch the workshops
and teachings. Many women made a good decision through the retreat, to be a faithful steward towards the Lord.
Praise the Lord! My wife told me that she had an amazing experience seeing the Lord’s hand while she taught. The
lessons she planned months ago to teach were not the lessons the Lord guided her to use. The Lord had already
planned His lessons. Amen!

For about one month and a half we participated in our sending church’s 25th anniversary Christmas drama,
helping some with the stage setup and being some of the main characters in the drama. Our daughters enjoyed
participating in the opening songs and their first drama! We had 9 souls make decisions to believe in Jesus to be their
Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord!

Before we traveled to visit our family for Christmas, I met a young deaf man at a restaurant for breakfast. He
shared with me about his struggles and his trials. After sharing a few verses with him, his soul was refreshed and he
decided to forgive people that had hurt him. To this day, we are continuing to talk about how he can stay close to the
Lord and what His future plan is for him. At the end of the discussion and reading God’s Word, he said, “WOW! God
is so good!” A true disciple will accept the corrections and guidelines from the Word of God. Please continue to pray
for that young deaf man, that he continues to have a heart open for discipling.

Our Christmas gatherings with our families were not as we expected because we ALL got sick and came back
to Georgia earlier than planned to recover! We still wonder what purpose the Lord had for sending us home early.
Even on Christmas day we STAYED in bed trying to get better. We do thank the Lord for the short time we were
able to visit my wife’s family and also a deaf church there that supports us. I had the opportunity to preach and
encourage church people to have a disciple's heart. While there, we were overwhelmed with God’s abundant
blessings that He bestowed on us for our needs! On December 22 we drove back to Georgia to recover from our
colds (a type of viral infection). We have not gotten a chance to visit my family, but we plan to return to Missouri in
April, Lord willing.

Recently in November the doctor found out that my younger daughter, Roniya, has an atrial septal defect,
which means she has a hole in the right atrium of her heart. Roniya will soon have a heart catheterization procedure
to patch the hole in her heart in Birmingham, Alabama at the Children’s Hospital on January 27. Please pray for
Roniya to have peace, without being traumatized, and guidance for the doctor through the procedure with no
complications so that the procedure and recovery will be successful.

We thank the Lord for some new churches, and our faithful churches, that have continued to support us
financially this past year and have sent extra Christmas gifts. The Lord has met our needs through you. Praise the
Lord! Thank you. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.

In Christ Alone,
Michael, Ruth, Giovanna, and Roniya

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